2011년 11월 14일 월요일

살아 있는 유리

겨울이 다 되어버렸다. 하지만 이 살아 있는 유리 안에서 가을의 색다른 영혼이 보장되어 있다.

2011년 11월 7일 월요일

Name-less Thoughts

Treading, head-down
you've gone fore.
Or so you thought.
Head-up, reflecting
on what's more.
Thoughts you had not.
Too late, head shakes
tears fall on all.
Rotting their thoughts.
Head-clear, now you see
fake is their path, was yours.
Thoughts, thoughts...
One wish: head-less,
thoughts name-less now.

2011년 11월 1일 화요일

Uttering Containers for Being

I strive to utter containers for being.
Open, to be filled with the fullness and emptiness.
Not tightly packed, taped and ready to ship boxes;
something that can be ripped to shreds, 
taped back up,
or worst yet re-cycled.
I want to walk within the two-folds,
un-concealing what is and has been,
the nearest of the near, but
to most the farthest of the far.
I want to only say Saying
to signal there is a Way
and give you a sense
to re-discover what you've been rushing ahead of.
Listen to what has been said Hermenuetically,
and be messenger
for all that is worthy of question, worthy of thought.
Just be in relation to what holds sway:
the welling up of the message of the two-fold's 
Now I'm just grasping at the essence...
in order to abandon my own path of thinking
to namelessness.