2010년 6월 3일 목요일

From whence we came...

Surrounded by the societal superfluities we call progress, i close my eyes and cover my ears to this world.  I'm left with emptiness: the essence of utility.  "Nothing," unlike zero, more like a negative harmonized with it's absolute.  That is what is in all of us, that's what should be all around us.  Everything we need can be found within ourselves.  Journey there my friend.  It's too dark you say?  Then open your eyes; everything you see is you, both good and bad parts.  This world is the overarching framework whereupon the archetype of our self can be expressed.  Just like the sanctions we place on the DPRK, our environments have the potential to displace our instinctual energy.  Every action has a reaction is the adage, and if suppressed our instincts have the potentiality to manifest into a trojan horse right in front of our own ocular receptacles.

Rape, hate, murder, pillage, plunder; what are all these actions but responses to imposed constraints? Constraints placed on us through societal regimentation, by our ancestors beliefs or by our very selves.  Reverting to these states of our Raw Primitive we accept them as a conscious inevitable reality, rationalizing them with the "Law of Progress," but in actuality our consciousness has been paralyzed.  Our unrestrained, unchecked, hitherto neglected sub-concious is shouting out; shouting for us to look inward as a society, as a people.  Isn't it ironic how this warfare of life is so harmonious?  The machine of war, so precise and methodical; a myriad of independent components working together; harmonizing and coalescing beautifully at the instant of death.  This machine of death, can very easily be converted into a machine of life; the difficulty lay in the task of lifting the egoistic veil away, of cutting the pseudo-conscience spouting from external loud speakers and inserting the earbuds of the inner self of all the individual automatons.              

To be continued...

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