2018년 1월 30일 화요일

God Level

Dominic is one of my best mates at work. He is about five years older than me, but we let our language down and we speak like friends.

Everyday either before the bullshit, or in the midst of it, we make sure to grab a coffee together; well I get a coffee, Dominic usually gets a tea or a syrup-less juice.

We talk about a ton of stuff. Mostly though, we talk about all the 'what the hell' elements of our company, cryptocurrency investing, and life in general. He has a lot more life than I do since he already has a daughter and a Korean apartment all his own - "In the North" as he describes it.

The other day we somehow got on the subject of how difficult it is for some to have kids. It was particularly hard for Dominic and his wife when they were both living apart, him in Singapore and her in Korea. They would meet every month to...do the damn thing, but they weren't successful for the longest time.

One day his senior pulls him aside and asks him, point blank, if Dominic was serious about having a kid. He realized he wasn't all in. But then he thought on it. He loved his wife - they'd been dating since high school after all - and he knew there wasn't anyone else he'd like to spend the rest of his life with let alone have a kid with.

So he focused his mind and then cleared it. Dominic referred to this mind state as 'God Level'. And sure enough, a few weeks after his wife visited the next time, he received the call. He was going to be a father.

I've heard similar stories before, so there is definitely something to it. Achieving 'God Level' isn't just good for making babies either. Having a focused and clear mind makes you an unstoppable force in the office, or on the field, or on Twitter, or on your blog that no one reads;) It just makes life better.

So take a breath, question yourself, be honest, then let it go and move forward.

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