2019년 1월 20일 일요일

Seeding history revealed

[Originally published on Cent]

As many Centians noticed over the last 24 hours or so, if you click on the seed icon in the top right of any post you can now see the seeding history of all the users who've seeded that post.

After Seeding🌱 itself, this is probably the stickiest action we've unlocked on Cent.

Other social networks have likes, claps, hearts, upvotes, gold and most confusingly power.

While Seeding isn't a like button per se, it does create a signal for the post that it's linked to, and the list of users that seed is reminiscent (at least to me) of the list of users who've hearted your tweets on Twitter or liked your posts on Facebook, but way, way freaking better. Why? Because they're actually *worth* something.

No other social network has anything like this.

I've been obsessively clicking on the seeding button not just for my posts, but on posts of other Centian's to see who likes what.

: :

As profiles get built out and following becomes a thing, the true value of this monetized intent will become clearer.

Until those next updates arrive, familiarize yourself with your supporters. Get to know them. You are all a part of the greatest experiment on the internet that's allowing *all* of you to benefit financially. With greater power will come greater responsibility. So get ready👊

p.s. I may have been the last to find this out, but when you type a username, like @Zubs for example, after you click publish or reply a hyperlink will automagically be generated - no more copy-pasting urls anymore🙌

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