2019년 1월 20일 일요일

Voluntary Associations, Clubs & Collectives on Cent

[Originally published on Cent]

Thanks to @Justsomeguy the #dailyreadingclub channel is a thing. And it's got me pretty excited.

It's design is simple and elegant: post any articles, books, poetry or whatever else you read the previous day.

You can add your thoughts and feelings on what you read too, if you want.

Now you're probably thinking: What's so special about that?

Well, obviously there isn't anything distinguishingly special about this idea, *yet*.

But if you check out the short exchange that @Justsomeguy and I had below my reply to yesterday’s inaugural post, you'll perhaps see a glimpse of why @Justsomeguy and I are getting excited.

Thanks to the frictionless payments on Cent I proposed that we try to commission some custom artwork or photography that can be used in the daily posts to the #dailyreadingclub channel to differentiate us.

Using Cent's bounty mechaniam we can also come up with novel approaches that can powerfully appeal to potential supporters or new members.

That's a bigger deal than it seems.

While book clubs are more powerful than you'd probably first assume (e.g. check out goodreads.com or take a look at the tens of thousands of users that are subscribed to Patrick O’Shaughnessy's Book Club), thinking about the potential impact of being able to spin up a globally accessible digital association of like minds that have access to tools that make it trivially easy to facilitate complex trustless financial transactions with censorship resistant payments is just...well, it's pretty mind blowing.

Location independent associations, which is to say associations that are able to spawn independent and autonomous functioning chapters, are incredibly powerful levers of change.

Whereas the impact of such associations in the past was limited - for the most part - within national boundaries due to constraints imposed by geography, technology and the inability to easily access global financial infrastructure channels, those constraints no longer exist.

For the first time ever in the history of the world, anyone anywhere can spin up these kinds of associations and collectives. And we're starting to do that on Cent. With a reading club😂

So, to abruptly conclude, @charlesx, @CryptoMemes, @127kgs and any other artists on Cent, look out for a RFP post in the near future where you can submit your ideas for a chance to get chosen and most importantly paid for your work.

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