2018년 4월 29일 일요일

The Way

[The Cow and You are Forgotten]

The specific path that each individual needs to take to find the Way (i.e. a state wherein an individual is able to control their Ego and instincts) varies individual to individual, but the process has remained roughly the same for multiple millenia.

In Zen Buddhism this process is sometimes summarized in the ten-part Cow Searching Drawings (尋牛圖). It goes something like this:
  1. You search for the Cow.
  2. You spot the Cow's tracks.
  3. You see the Cow.
  4. You grab the Cow by its reins and mount it.
  5. You rear the Cow.
  6. You ride the Cow home.
  7. Your Cow is forgotten and you remain.
  8. The Cow and you are forgotten.
  9. You return to your original self.
  10. You become bodhi-sattva, head to the streets, and help others find the Way.
At first your Cow is black. White spots will begin to appear as you cultivate your Way. The spots will grow larger until eventually you are left with a Cow that is totally white. This is analogous to eliminating self-destructive impulses whilst growing constructive love. And it is the development of positive energy.

This is merely the super broad outline of a much deeper process. I have translated a significant portion of that deeper process and underlying logic in the writings contained [here].

Check them out, read them over, think and then ask questions, because questioning is the piety of thought. Peace.

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