2018년 4월 30일 월요일

100 in 100

Today marks the last day of a sweet, little four day weekend for me.

It also happens to be the hundredth straight day that I've posted on my humble blog.

I never intended to write like this, but obviously I was ready to, and I don't see myself stopping anytime soon.

For me, writing is one of the best ways to remember. And there is so much good stuff to remember.

My regular readers know that much of what I've been focused on remembering centers around Cent. What you may not know is that *this very blog* and the writing I did about Cent actually got me a paying role in the Cent team - I started working as Centurion No.1 a little over a month back.

A blog is certainly more meaningful and impactful than a CV. There are a lot of people asking how they can get a role working on a crypto startup these days. For everyone - technical and otherwise - blogging about a new product or company that you're passionate about is probably one of the best 'hire me' signals you can send.

Blogging is really powerful stuff. I'm really looking forward to sharing more writing with my regular readers, but for now, it's time to enjoy the last day of this long weekend with my wife. Cheers everybody!

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