2018년 9월 24일 월요일

Blogging: Mental Sustenance

Fred Wilson's avc.com blog has passed it's 15th anniversary. That's absolutely incredible.

To commemorate that fact, Fred published an awesomely humble and concise blog that I recommend everyone give a read [here].

For me, the following really stuck with me:

> I regularly get people coming to me and asking me to write a book. I always pass because I can’t imagine writing in a format that has an end. I can’t imagine writing in a format that doesn’t provide instant feedback. I can’t imagine writing in a format that requires a structure. I can’t imagine writing in a format that isn’t a stream of consciousness. I can’t imagine thinking about what I am going to write more than ten minutes before writing it. I can’t imagine killing trees to carry my words. So I will continue to write a blog. It’s the perfect format for me. AVC is way more than a book. It is a living breathing thing that sustains me and that is me.

I love that because I agree with everything Fred wrote. And because I'm envious of the 'instant feedback' Fred's been able to get from his blog. That 'instant feedback' and the steady reader base that gives rise to it occupy an enormous chunk of the value proposition of the benefits of blogging to bloggers.

Unfortunately, and as most of my longtime readers know since I've beaten this horse before, most casual bloggers are not able to experience that 'instant feedback' from a steady base of readers. Ever.

But finally - freaking finally! - that no longer need be the case for bloggers, or really any amateur content creators. Why? Because Cent is about to finally introduce a new smart contract that'll first and foremost provide the ability of any creator to monetize their creations, but will also (should the creator seek to utilize the built-in incentive functionality) allow the creator to wrangle up a readership and commenting base on-demand.

I don't want to say too much, but all will (finally!) be unveiled imminently. So stay posted to beta.cent.co for the imminent release of something that will finally(!) help unlock the promise of blogging as a constantly replenishing source of mental sustenance for the mass of casual bloggers and content creators.

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