2018년 9월 3일 월요일


Today marked my first day of work at my new employer.

It went well enough, but the weirdest thing happened.

There are 9 other experienced hires in my recruitment class besides myself, and one gentleman is literally the doppelgänger of Mr. Yun, my former Group Leader. Like dead on he could pass for his twin.

I know there isn't any deep meaning or significance to having the doppelgänger of my favorite former boss in orientation with me, but it does make me feel more comfortable in what is otherwise a totally new environment.

There's that, and then as I was riding the metro home in the evening, in the reflection of the window as I was look out past the Han and the Florida orange sunset, I saw an elderly woman who was the spitting image of Xi Jinping. That just made me laugh.

I'm glad today was a good day.

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