2018년 11월 14일 수요일

Digging Into Comments on Cent

[This post was first published on Cent here]

There were many reasons that got me excited about Cent early on. But more than anything my selfish desire to use Cent as a way to incentivize real interaction with my writings was probably one of the biggest reasons I got so excited.

For so long - literally months and months - I talked about writing on Cent, and now it's been more than a week since I've switched to publishing my daily musings exclusively on Cent. And it's been better than I ever imagined.

Of course the initial replies have been there - about 10~20 per post - as I'd expected, but the real magic to me has been the back and forth interaction below the replies in the comments with fellow Centians like @kwame, @geekkid, @zianzam, @egg, @fizzgig656, @vineet15 and @framore.

What's magical and exciting about those conversations can actually be summed up in one of my sorta long winded replies to @zianzam which also happened to inspire this whole post today to begin with.

Again it's probably too long and maybe not the clearest, but these daily posts are all just attempts at expressing what's top if mind for me each day. I'll keep trying to get better.

"It's been so surprising to receive seed money from other users so quickly. When I set out to publish on Cent I never expected anything other than replies actually.

But what has me most excited is the relationship between me as content creator and the consumers of or readers/repliers to my writing.

Right now my bounties are attracting people to read and engage with me, and for that they are receiving some money. But if we continue to have these exchanges everyday, after 6 months or a year that could mean that my core readers and repliers will have accumulated a non-trivial amount of money.

On top of that if I am able to earn a little more than I pay to my readers in bounties (which is not unreasonable given my current average bounty level) that could mean *we* will be able to go from zero to one in terms of creating an economically enriched collective of like minded individuals.

What could *we*, as a strong collective, be able to do with that new found economic power?

My assumption is that we'd be able to do whatever we want. Setup an irl meetup in Tokyo to discuss how to scale our operations. Fund a special interest of ours and hire an agency to further an agenda. Whatever.

The possibilities are kinda endless, but my case is just one small example. There are so many more bigger and for sure way more consequential latent collectives and interests just waiting to form.

The fact that something like that can potentially be brought together in a way that mutually strengthens everyone involved financially as well as qualitatively is just super exciting to me."

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