2018년 5월 13일 일요일

New New Ideas & Marshall McLuhan

Cheers to fellow Centian @MaheShrestha for sharing this pic on Cent

Last night I finally wrapped up Marshall McLuhan's groundbreaking work "Understanding Media." Considering it was published over 50 years ago it is amazing how fresh the book feels.

One of the most impressive aspects of the book is the fact that it was published at all. In the book's introduction McLuhan recalls how an editor lamented that the book was unpublishable since it contained over 75% in brand new material; a "normal" book was supposed to only introduce at best 15% in new material.

Of course that editor was wrong, and McLuhan's ascent into the stratosphere of fame and renown is testament to that fact. But that editor wasn't worried for nothing.

Often times when someone introduces a new concept they leave their interlocutors dazed and confused. New concepts are just hard.

Readers of this blog and fellow Centians will remember my own initial consternation getting a feel for McLuhan's writing style let alone key core concepts. But after pushing through the first few chapters where McLuhan introduces everything new - literally nothing new is introduced later in the book - he professorially assaults the reader with a barrage of repetition, rephrasing and reiteration of those new ideas over and over.

It is an extremely effective technique. No matter how hard or foreign a new idea may be, if it is explained in a myriad of different ways consistently and with conviction, understanding is bound to follow.

Any good teacher probably knows this. It wouldn't surprise me if this method is called the 'Jesus Pedagogy'.

In fact, it's a technique that this humble blog has been employing in regards to a few subjects I'm passionate about like Cent (duh), Heidegger, and 이동식 just to name a few obvious ones.

So if you ever fall for something new and want to explain it to others, which you will have to at some point whether you want to or not, be prepared to give examples and explications for days and days as consistently as an automatic Swiss wrist watch.

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