2018년 5월 8일 화요일

Playing for Keeps on the Blockchain

First of all, Cryptogs.io is a cool new Dapp. For those of you who don't know, Cryptogs has put Pogs on the blockchain as ERC-721 tokens and allows anyone to play for keeps against an opponent that could be anywhere around the world.

I wrote about it last week [here] after I came across a bounty on Cent looking for original artwork to create more pogs posted by the sites creator, Austin Griffith. The bounty is still live [here].

Well yesterday, I was finally matched up with another player located somewhere on the other side of the globe, and got three matches in. I lost more Pogs than I won, but that's not the big story.

Rather, after nearly 22 years, I found myself playing Pogs for keeps, on the blockchain. Crazy, right?

The game play is simple and straight forward, but before you begin to play for keeps there are a few steps you need to make it through.

First, go to Cryptogs.io, click 'Play Togs', and then click 'Create Game'.

Next, select five Pogs that you will play for keeps with. Bear in mind you may lose all of these, so if you have any precious Pogs, think twice about playing with them. That said, in the future a rare Pog will be a great incentive to attract an opponent who is also willing to play with a rare Pog.
After you click 'Submit' you will need to wait for an opponent. Pro tip: join the Cryptog slack or discord and try to find an opponent there before trying to start a game on the site.

Success! An opponent has finally joined.

You're almost there, just click 'Transfer to Contract' and make sure your gas levels are where they should be before signing the transaction in MetaMask or on your mobile Web3 client (I'm on CipherBrowser which takes care of setting approriate gas levels for you).

Sometimes you will be asked to generate the game. Simply click 'Generate Game', and again sign the transaction in MetaMask or on your mobile Web3 browser. Now you're ready to slam. Super excited (I really want that top Pog!).

The game will proceed automatically from here until all the Pogs have been flipped over. Remember, you keep the Pogs that flip over on your slam.

You can see the final results of my match here:

So there you have it. I lost more Pogs than I won, but I scooped that coveted kitty Pog that was designed by fellow Centian @MTimeTraveller, so I am super stoked.

If you want to play me for keeps, hit me up on the Cryptogs slack, I'm Matthew.

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