2018년 8월 17일 금요일

Re-thinking *Everything*

Nothing is sacred anymore.

'Sacredness' used to denote pockets of culture, groups, or actions that were off limits from thinking and questioning.

The 'sacred' period of human history has thankfully passed us by and hasn't been dominant for centuries, but innumerable relics installed during that period still remain.

Many of those relics, such as the Catholic church for example, continue on relatively unchecked, unchanged and un-thought allowing their negative, rotten elements to continue to wreak havoc on those that are in it's wake.

The solution is not to thoughtlessly exterminate such 'sacred' relics from this world. We can't even be sure that positing that there should be a solution is correct.

Instead, growing and cultivating individual and collective thoughtfulness is the most important counter we can establish to protect ourselves before beginning the process of questioning and re-thinking *everything*.

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