2018년 3월 29일 목요일

Dream Fast, Write Slowly

Make haste slowly

There is something just so perfectly zen about this saying. It's derived from the Latinate motto 'festina lente' which in turn came from a Greek saying.

This saying literally carries wisdom through the ages, not too fast and not too slowly.

It also pretty much encapsulates this blog, and more specifically my writings and musings on the future of the internet, beta.cent.co.

Since first reading about Cent back in early November, my day dreams and fantasies about the site have always raced ahead of my writings, whose frequency have never really broken more than a brisk stroll.

The imaginative energy and stimulation from my fantastic thoughts have provided the perfect amount of inspiration and clarity to write simple, deep and thoughtful pieces.

I have achieved the ultimate equilibrium whereby I have managed to balance the fantastical with the repetitively subdued resulting in a constantly replenishing pool of daily creativity.

Now it's time to work towards those dreams, and get paid.

Not too fast, but not too slowly. That's how I'll keep on keeping on.

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