2018년 3월 19일 월요일

Social Supernovas: Business Partners

One of the toughest parts of getting older is finding out how challenging it really is to find a true ride or die business partner.

You can make deep, long lasting friendships at any age, but finding just one person - let alone a group of people - willing to buy into your hyperstition and work with you to turn fiction into reality, that may be the social equivalent of a supernova.

It's about finding someone who is capable of both heading forward on the same train of thought, but open and able to jumping ship with you if a new, better plane of seeing or thinking presents itself.

Over the past five years there have been about six times when I've thought I found my partner in crime; but each time things didn't pan out. Life got in the way of a few potential partners. The other times, well, we just couldn't seem to ever get on the same damn page.

I can't be sure, but I think I may have found a two person team where *I* might be able to be that ride or die partner I've always been looking for. We all share a belief in a similar fiction that we seem hell bent on bringing into unconcealment. And we are all smart as hell.

Well, anyways, we shall see.

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