2018년 10월 16일 화요일

About Last Night...Part Deux

I had my third welcome party last night...

It was actually great fun, even if I am feeling super duper jaded at the moment.

The VP in charge of our team (who is essentially a mini-CEO) presided over the festivities last night and we had a pretty awesome talk. 

All things considered the future for me here is extremely bright, and the opportunities to learn and develop are numerous.

With that out of the way, I think I have found a pretty decent hangover remedy. 

Like I said I am still feeling pretty jaded, but by pounding some pocari sweat (a gatorade-like ion drink sold in Japan and Korea) before and after some light sleep, I think I was able to by-pass the physically uncomfortable symptoms of being hungover (e.g. headache, nausea). 

This is the second time I tried that remedy and so far I'm two for two. Get through hump day in one piece yall.

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