2018년 10월 15일 월요일

Money Talks

Legendary investor Paul Graham tweeted this out last night:

It really got me thinking about mind changing conversation and which mediums encourage such conversation.

Cent has the potential to be one such medium, especially since any user can incentivize other users to listen to and engage with their ideas. The ability to attach a monetary bounty to an argument is a lot like what political lobbies have done for a while: it harnesses the power of money to not only speak on behalf of specific self-interests but it strongly incentivizes others to really listen to those self-interests, ideas or arguments.

Conversation as a feature on Cent is still an afterthought, but more and more users are beginning to engage in meaningful and thoughtful conversation. I cannot wait though, until the power of conversation is finally unlocked on Cent. For when that day comes, a world of change will soon follow.

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