2018년 10월 6일 토요일

Portland Signs *SPEAK*

Signs in Portland are something else. Really.

I only managed to jot a few gems down that I saw during my short trip, but they are all winners.

Enjoy your weekend everybody.

  1. We're so excited we wet our plants (Personal residence entrance sign attached above steps to front door)
  2. Midwives help people out (prominent bumper sticker)
  3. Reunite families, Abolish ICE, Practice radical care (random window sign)
  4. The Gates (the name of a gated community)
  5. No Justice, No piece (pizza place)
  6. Tip your barista. Not your bank. (Umquah Bank advertising no-fee atm benef8t)
  7. Ore*gun*ian (pink bumper sticker)

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