2018년 10월 20일 토요일

Notion - The Modern Workspace

There are so many tools and apps out there for the modern business.  Like a ton.

It can be overwhelming to have to pick what tools and apps to actually use, particularly if you don't have any previous experience working in a modern business.

Prior to working at Cent I know I would've been hard pressed to suggest even one tool or app to use. But now I not only have two solid recos, but a pretty awesome workflow management process as well.

Outside of Slack, the workspace management app Notion has quickly become a core app for the entire Cent team.

Notion allows us to easily and simply save and track everything from meeting minutes to product suggestions to feature launch protocols and most importantly the daily tasks that each team member has.

Our tasks are referred to as '⚡Actions' and we strive to carry them out within a day. In ptactice that means that aftet we complete our action we set ot to 'Done' which disappears the task from our individual action column. If there is an issue preventing resolution within a day though, we say the task is 'blocked' which pings the relevant party so that we are able to clarify what we need in terms of support in order to get it done with and off of our list.

This is great for accountability and it's pretty simple. From a manager's perspective it provides a bird's eye view of the actions of your direct reports and lets you quickly see what actions are blocked so that you can formulate a strategy or solution to help un-block the action and get it done.

I really like it. In fact, I like the combo of Notion and our task management flow so much that I think I'll introduce it to my team at my other job where I am a global recruitment manager.

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