2018년 10월 24일 수요일

The BOTI Bounty as a Growth Driver

Cent has done a lot of stuff in a short amount of time. It's proven that bounties aren't just for programers or vigilante types. And thanks to the Ethereum network, it has created a few unique bounty distribution methods (e.g. automatic, simultaneous payouts from 1~100 users that are payback resistant).

On top of that technical innovation an exciting emergent development appeared and has continued to persist and even grow over the past few months. This newly emergent "thing" has become a new user habit; a ritual if you will. It's something that I as the poster and other users as paid contributors/curators look forward to each week.

That "thing" is of course the BOTI, my weekly bounty that asks users to source, share and curate what they think was the best of the internet over the last week. The result of each BOTI is a super timely list of some pretty good and often delightful content from around the world.

Lists have always been a thing. Buzzfeed listicles are the most recent popular instantiation of the lists as a thing. But just think of the 10 commandments or equally ancient SportsCenter top 10 highlights or even elections which list up the most to least possible candidates as well as the common 'best of' lists that are as ubiquitous as air: lists have always been with us.

But for as long as they've been around, they've also always been local, individually or centrally determined and highly edited.

The list that comes out of the BOTI each week is global (users hail from 148 countries!), decentralized, and open to include literally any piece of content on the internet. And again, the result is not terrible; in fact, it's pretty darn good, all things considered.

That said it for sure could be better. The main limitation, though, to increasing the quality of the BOTI as well as broadening its application (becuase lists can literally be applied to *anything*) really comes down to the potential pool of contributors.

And while Cent has been growing its user base, the overall number is still relatively small. That is where Seeding comes in. Since that feature will coincide with the ability to make bounty-less posts, the potential base of users should increase as soon as or shortly after Seeding is introduced.

Aftet that happens, it's my belief that the BOTI, especially BOTIs or BOTI-like bounty posts applied on a broader basis, could potentially act as a lever that could accelerate user growth and satisfaction at a high rate. Maybe.

Nothing like this was ever possible before. And it's kinda crazy that this is even theoretically possible, since the result would mean that a large percentage of the world would begin receiving large amounts of crypto...

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